On the Day of Judgement, when it is too late, the unbelievers who disbelieved in their resurrection will change their minds and ask to be returned to do righteous deeds. On that Day all will be the worshipers of Allah but for many it will be too late 32:10-14
32:10 They say, 'What, when we have been destroyed in the earth, shall we indeed be in a new creation?' Indeed, they disbelieve that they will meet their Lord.
32:12 Would that you could see the wrongdoers when they lower their heads before their Lord! They will say, 'Our Lord, we have now seen and heard. Send us back and we will do righteous deeds, we are certain.'
32:14 (We shall say to them), 'Now taste, for you forgot the encounter of this Day, We have forgotten you. Taste Our eternal punishment, for that which you were doing.'