THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME WITH PROPHET MUHAMMAD THE PROPHET OF ALLAH 050 THE ENCOUNTER AT THE TRENCH Part 2 by Khadeijah A. Stephens Copyright © 1984-2012 by Khadeijah A. Stephens Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem The Encounter at the Trench Part 2 Nu'aym from the Ghatfan Tribe of Ashja After Nu'aym's encounter with the Muslims of Medina before the second challenge of Badr, his heart inclined still further to Islam. Now that Abu Sufyan had called upon the support of the Ghatfan tribes, his branch tribe, the tribe of Ashja, had lent their support and so with reluctance he had been drawn into the conflict. It was shortly after the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) decided not to proceed with the treaty with the two other branches of the Ghatfan, that Nu'aym knew deep in his heart that his allegiance belonged to Allah and His Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam). When he was in Medina he had heard some of the Prophet's teachings promoting brotherly love, peace, justice and mercy. He had witnessed the unifying effect of Islam upon its very diverse congregation, now there they were, with just one third of the number of the unbelieving army, prepared to defend their Religion without any thought of tribal superiority or surrender. It was indeed an act of bravery through absolute conviction and love of Allah and His Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam). It was the turning point in Nu’aym's life; that night he made his way to Medina and slipped into its City and then on toward the camp of the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam). When he reached the camp he asked to be taken to the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) and upon seeing him the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) welcomed Nu’aym and inquired as to the nature of his visit. Nu'aym told him he had come to declare his belief and bear witness to the truth in the Oneness of the Creator that the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) brought, adding that he would do whatever the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) commanded. During the conversation Nu’aym mentioned his people and the other tribes knew nothing of the teachings of Islam, so the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) told Nu'aym to go out and do his best to bring about discord among his people so that they would withdraw. Nu'aym thought for a minute and then asked the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) if deception would be permissible for he had a plan he thought would work to disunite the Koraysh and the Jews. The Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) replied, "Say whatever you will to draw them away from us; war is nothing but deceit." The Plan of Nu’aym It was time for Nu'aym to leave, and after the greetings of peace had been exchanged he made his way back though the winding streets of the City to the Jewish fortress of the Krayzah. For many years Nu'aym had been friendly with the Krayzah and when they saw him they welcomed him and offered him food. Nu'aym thanked them for their offer but told them that he had come to them upon a more important matter. Nu’aym told the Krayzah he feared for their safety if the Koraysh and Ghatfan tribes failed to defeat the Muslim army and returned home leaving them alone to face the Muslims. It was a matter concerning many of the Krayzah since their chieftains had broken the pact. They remembered well how, although, Huyay and his fellow tribesmen's lives had been spared after their attempt to murder the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam), that they had been expelled from Medina and forced to leave their homes and date groves behind -- and this was something they did not want to happen to them. Nu'aym told the Krayzah that in his opinion, if he found himself in a position such as theirs, he would not strike a blow against the Muslims unless the Koraysh and Ghatfan were prepared to hand over to them some of their leaders as a guarantee they would not be deserted in the event that their allies were forced to retreat. Nu'aym's logic made a lot of sense, the Krayzah needed no further convincing and adopted his suggestion. Now that Nu'aym had succeeded with the first part of his plan, he made his way to Abu Sufyan's tent. He found Abu Sufyan in the company of the other Koraysh chieftains and embarked upon the second part of his plan. Nu’aym told Abu Sufyan he had come across a very alarming piece of information which was vital to them, however, Nu’aym told them he would only divulge the matter if Abu Sufyan and the other chieftains swore they would never tell anyone who gave the information to them. Anxiously, Abu Sufyan and those with him swore never to turn informant. Nu'aym then told them the Jews were having second thoughts about their treatment of Muhammad (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) and that he had received word informing him of such. Nu'aym had caught their attention and proceeded to tell Abu Sufyan and is companions that in order to repair their relationship with the Muslims, they would take leaders from both the Koraysh and Ghatfan tribes as hostage and then deliver them to Muhammad so that he may put an end to them, and thereafter fight alongside him. Nu'aym further alarmed Abu Sufyan when he told him that the terms had been accepted. Nu’aym concluded his devising with the warning that they, in his opinion, should not let anyone remain with the Krayzah, and so the seeds of mistrust were sown and took root. Abu Sufyan, together with the other chieftains met with those of the Ghatfan and decided to assess the loyalty of the Krayzah themselves rather than relying entirely upon the report of Nu'aym. However, in the interim period, both allies agreed to postpone telling Huyay about the matter. The Message to the Krayzah On 5th Shawwal 5H, the allies agreed to send Ikrimah to the Krayzah with a message. The message was brief and straight to the point and read, "Prepare yourselves to fight tomorrow so that we may rid ourselves of Muhammad." No sooner had the Krayzah received the message they sent one back saying, "Tomorrow is the Sabbath, and we will not fight with you against Muhammad unless you send us some of your men who we might hold until we have rid ourselves of him. It is our fear that if things go against us you will retreat and leave us to face Muhammad -- this, we cannot do alone." Ikrimah returned in haste to Abu Sufyan and his fellow chieftains and the message was duly delivered. No sooner had the message been read the chieftains swore, "Nu'aym has told us the truth!" Immediately, another message was dispatched informing the Krayzah they would not be sending any one but that they must fight all the same. The Krayzah's fears were confirmed and they sent back another message stating, yet again, that they would not fight until they received their demands. In a state of rage, Abu Sufyan went to confront Huyay. Abu Sufyan demanded to know where the help was that his people promised, and told Huyay that his people had deserted him with the intent of betrayal. Huyay was taken aback by the accusation and swore by the Torah the reason his fellow Jews would not take up arms against the Muslims was that it was the Sabbath and without doubt he would see them fight with all their might against the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) the day after. As of yet, Abu Sufyan had not told Huyay of the demand for hostages, but when he told him his reaction was indifferent and Abu Sufyan took it to be indicative of his guilt and swore by his god, al-lat, that the whole affair was nothing but treachery on both his part and the Krayzah. Huyay swore yet again by the Torah he was not a traitor, but Abu Sufyan refused to believe him, and so Huyay, fearing the wrath of Abu Sufyan, made a hasty retreat. The Morale of the Unbelievers Two weeks had passed, and little except mistrust of one another had transpired among the Koraysh and its Jewish allies. Fodder was in very short supply, wounded mounts often died, and in addition, the weather turned to be exceptionally cold and wet. It was a time of frustration on their part. Many had hoped by now the engagement would have been resolved and they would be reaping the coveted spoils of war, but it wasn't so, and discontent became widespread. The Morale of the Believers The believers were better protected from the rain and cold as they had the hill of Sila to shelter them. However, they were very tired on account of their constant vigil and signs of hunger were apparent, but unlike their adversaries, their morale was high and the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) supplicated to Allah after each obligatory prayer for three successive days for the unbelievers to be put to flight. Wind and Rain Added to the extreme cold and rain, Allah now sent unseen angels driving a bitterly cold wind from the east that brought torrential rain and forced the unbelievers to take shelter in their tents as the wind rushed howling between them. As night progressed, the storm worsened to such a degree their tents were ripped from the ground, tossed in the air and torn into shreds -- not one of the unbeliever's tents remained standing. Allah speaks of this in the Holy Koran saying: "Believers, remember the Favor of Allah to you when there came against you hosts (armies), We unleashed against them a wind and hosts (of angels) you could not see. Allah sees the things you do." Koran 33:9 As for the Muslim tents, Allah protected them and none were wrecked by the wind. As on many other occasions, the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) spent most of the night in prayer. After the conclusion of his final prayer, he visited a neighboring tent and asked Hudhayfah to go among the enemy and bring word of their condition. As Hudhayfah made his way towards the Koraysh encampment he found them shivering, huddled and crouched together trying to warm themselves as the winds roared about them. No one paid any attention to him and so he was able to get close to Abu Sufyan without being noticed. As dawn approached, the ferocity of the wind died down and the unbelievers started to try and warm themselves as Abu Sufyan cried out for all to hear, "People of the Koraysh, our horses and camels are dying, the Krayzah have let us down and betrayed us. We have suffered on account of the wind! Leave this place, I intend leaving!" The hostilities had began in Shawwal and now it was Dhul Qa’dah and Abu Sufyan was so anxious to leave he forgot his camel was still hobbled and made it rise on three legs. Just then, Ikrimah called to him with the reminder that he was their chieftain and demanded to know if he was prepared to abandon his men, whereupon Abu Sufyan felt ashamed of his actions and dismounted. Everyone had had enough, and not long after the Koraysh army broke camp and started out on its long wearisome march home, however, Abu Sufyan remained behind with Khalid to ride behind his beleaguered army. As they rode together, Khalid had time to reflect upon the words of the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) and commented, "Any sensible person knows Muhammad does not lie." Abu Sufyan was astonished and retorted, "You, of all people have lesser right to say such a thing!" Khalid asked why, whereupon he replied, "Muhammad belittled the honor of your father; he killed Abu Jahl your chieftain!" Everyone had been so busy with their own affairs that Hudhayfah was able to slip away unnoticed to where the Ghatfan tribes had camped. When he reached their camp-site he found they had dispersed and so he returned to the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) with the welcome news, for the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) hated fighting, except defensive fighting, as his preference was always that of inviting his adversaries to the mercy of Allah. When Hudhayfah reached the camp he was told the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) was praying, so Hudhayfah went to him and waited for him. The Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) noticed is arrival and beckoned him to come and sit beside him as prayed. As Hudhayfah sat down, the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) covered him in the folds of his cloak to warm him, and there he remained until the prayer reached its conclusion. After the prayer, Hudhayfah related the blessed news of the enemies retreat and the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) immediately thanked Allah for His Mercy, for Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) was sent as a mercy for all people, not as a promoter of war. The thin thread of the dawn light had appeared on the horizon so Bilal arose to call the believers to prayer. After the prayer finished the believers turned to look in the direction of the enemy campsite – it was completely deserted. It was indeed a time for thanksgiving and rejoicing, so the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) gave his Companions permission to break camp and return to their families. The immediate danger was over, however, the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) was still on guard. There was always the possibility the unbelievers had retreated out of sight only to await news from the Krayzah that the trench had been abandoned. With this in mind the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) sent Jabir and Abdullah, Omar's son to call his men back. Jabir and Abdullah set off calling at the top of their voices telling them to return, but it was to no avail, so they returned to tell the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) what had happened but the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) just smiled and returned home himself with his close Companions. The Encounter at the Trench Part 2 050 Back Cover Subtitle Nu'aym from the Ghatfan Tribe of Ashja The Plan of Nu’aym The Message to the Krayzah The Morale of the Unbelievers The Morale of the Believers Wind and Rain